Platform for experimental and anthropological film, 
sound, and landscape cinema.

Field Recordings 3
12 November - 14 November 2021

November 12

10:00 -  13:00

Collective Listening session and workshop

13:00 -  14:00

Lunch with participants and members of WET

14:00 - 15:00

Sound recording around Rotterdam

20:00 - 21:30

Stephanie Spray

You are all Captains
Oliver Laxe

22:00 - 23:30

Here and Elsewhere
Hira Nabi

All That Perishes at the Edge of  Land
Hira Nabi

Followed by a conversation with Hira Nabi by Yara Yuri Safadi

10:00 - 23:30

Hut (Gubuk)  - Installation
Your Bros. Filmmaking Group
November 13  
13:00 -  14:30

Sky Hopinka

maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore
Sky Hopinka

15:00 -  16:45

( ( ( ( ( /* ) ) ) ) )
Charles Fairbanks & Saul Kàk

Maya Da-rin

17:00 -  18:30

Where we used to Swim
Observations Of Hawks In The Sky
The Absence Of Apricots

Daniel Asadi Faezi

Followed by a conversation with Daniel Asadi Faezi & Yara Yuri Safadi

20:00 -  21:30

The Two Sights
Joshua Bonnetta

22:00 -  23:30

Maarja  Nuut

13:00 - 23:30

Hut (Gubuk)  - Installation
Your Bros. Filmmaking Group
November 14

13:00 - 14:30

Workshop: Relational Sounds

Collective Mixing Session

Wet film presents: Wet

15:00 -  16:15

Habitat 2190
Hanna Rullmann & Faiza Ahmed Khan

This is Paris Too
Lech Kowalski

17:00 -  18:30


Rhayne Vermette

20:00 -  21:30

I Strecht My Hands to Thee
Morgan Quintance

13:00 - 21:30

Hut (Gubuk)  - Installation
Your Bros. Filmmaking Group

Field Recordings Prelude
14 October & 20  October 2021

October 14

19:00 - 20:15

Documenting Complexity
The Blindness Series

T. Kim-Trang Tran

The Palpable Invisibility of Life

followed by a Q&A with
T. Kim-Trang Tran by Yara Yudi Safadri

21:00 - 21:45

Golden Snail Opera
Yen-Ling Tsai, Isabelle Carbonell, Joelle Chevrier, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing

21:50 - 22:15

ASMR Perfomance
Lisa Gliederpuppe
October 20

20:30 - 22:45



Morgan Quitance

One Says No

ao Dayong